Starting a New Business
How Do i » Starting a New Business
1. Doing Business in Wetumpka
The general business, official records, and administrative duties of the City of Wetumpka are the responsibility of the City Clerk’s Office. For questions regarding business licenses, contact Ashley Brown at 334-567-1301 (office) 334-567-1307 (fax) or [email protected]
Download Business License Application
*State certified contractors are required to have state certification and general liability insurance made out to the City of Wetumpka as the certificate holder.
**If you are submitting your application via email/fax please attach your state certification, general liability and your application to [email protected]
2. Join Wetumpka Chamber of Commerce
As a proud member of the Wetumpka Area Chamber of Commerce, you’ll join a thriving community of business owners. We Connect Business and help you get the resources you need to succeed.
3. Small Business Administration
The U.S. Small Business Administration has delivered millions of loans, loan guarantees, contracts, counseling sessions and other forms of assistance to small businesses.